Stop Smoking Services in the UK Support Smokers Wanting to Use E-cigarettes
Stop Smoking Services across the UK are being encouraged to support smokers who want to use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking. A briefing produced by Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) in partnership with Public Health England, outlines an approach to supporting smokers in making the switch to vaping. The approach combines the most effective method of quitting (stop smoking services) with the most popular (e-cigarettes).
The briefing draws upon Public Health England’s (August 2015) comprehensive review of the latest evidence on e-cigarettes to summarise what is currently known about nicotine delivery and the safety of e-cigarettes. The briefing acknowledges that ‘e-cigarettes are considerably safer than smoking cigarettes, are popular with smokers and that they have a role to play in reducing smoking rates’.
This briefing makes recommendations for stop smoking practitioners and services, provides common questions and suggested answers about e-cigarettes.
Read the full briefing Electronic cigarettes: A briefing for stop smoking services.